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Demeter EVPrep

Automated, Reproducible EV isolation.


We’re unlocking the potential of extracellular vesicles by providing researchers with better tools.

Developing novel applications of proven, chip-based technologies to solve the stubborn challenges EV researchers face. 

At EXOKĒRYX, our roadmap to accelerating EV research combines principles from the semiconductor industry with breakthrough biotechnology to power best-in-class tools for the isolation and analysis of extracellular vesicles. 

Demeter EVPrepTM: Fully automated EV isolation. Superior performance. Reproducible by design.

Demeter EVPrep uses microfluidics and dielectrophoresis to automatically isolate your EVs while washing away other components of the sample. Simply add your samples to the biochip cartridges, insert into the instrument, and start the run. Once complete, your isolated and concentrated pure EVs are ready for use in downstream analyses.


Still choosing between recovery and purity? Demeter EVPrep gives you both.

Demeter EVPrep leverages dielectrophoresis and the unique dipole moment of EVs to selectively isolate them from biofluids.

Unlike other techniques that force you to choose between recovery and purity, Demeter EVPrep delivers both.


Product Roadmap


Demeter EVPrep

Advanced EV Isolation

Now Available!



Multi-omic Biomarker Profiling

In Development


Targeted Biomarker Panels


Check for Updates

Don't Miss Our New Webinar

“Achieving Automated, Reproducible EV isolation with Dielectrophoresis.”

See You at the
ISEV Conference in
Vienna, April 24-27

Visit the EXOKĒRYX booth