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Introducing Cancer Fingerprint™

When you're looking to shorten your 'Time to Discovery,' to help beat devastating diseases like cancer or Alzheimer's, speed and quality make all the difference. Current extracellular vesicle isolation methods are often time consuming, biased, and impure.

We understand the frustration of miss opportunities and mounting pressure when work is throttled due to poor, unreliable methods.

At EXOKĒRYX, we want to unleash your brilliance.

That’s why we’ve created ExoPrep™, a new technology that isolates and concentrates extracellular vesicles from biological fluids electronically. 

Here's what you get with ExoPrep™:


When the margin of error is zero, ExoPrep™ can decrease your error bars and eliminate impurities.

Higher Recovery

Working with a small sample input volume? ExoPrep™ is perfect for isolating every EV. 

Higher Throughput

Whether you're working with tens or thousands of samples, ExoPrep™ will scale to meet your needs and deliver results in minutes; not weeks.

Faster Time
to Discovery

Within minutes, your extracellular vesicles are isolated, purified, and
ready for downstream testing.

Join The ExoPrep™ Early Access Program

The Early Access Program will give you pre-launch access to product and support that delivers superior EV samples for your specific downstream applications using ExoPrep™.

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